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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Attic Addition

Here are those photos of our future retreat under the eaves...

Notice the luggage, the sentinel Nutcracker, and the piecemeal fiberboard flooring.

Notice the framed-in window, new light boxes, insulation batting, and the beautiful pine decking.

Doesn't it look more spacious now? I am so grateful for the help we have had to create this space, from friends who are generous with their times, skills, tools, and support.

Here's the next step:
A truck full of rigid insulation waiting to be cut (yucky job) then fitted into the ceiling.
I will have to be patient this week, as Minou is busy with other projects.
It's moving forward. At least once a day, I pull down the ladder and poke my head up into the Attic Addition to breathe in the pine smell and dream about a peaceful space of our own up there.

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